Slow Metabolism and Belly Fat


Signs of a Slow Metabolism

Which of these are you frustrated with?

  • Weight gain around belly and/or thighs
  • Diets keep failing
  • Cravings for sugar and/or salt
  • Decreased overall energy
  • Sleep disturbances

Why Did My Metabolism Slow Down?

Changes to our hormonal system, and or exposure to toxins in our environment, can lead to the development of imbalances in our body that prevent our metabolism from working optimally.

Unfortunately, our conventional medical system doesn’t monitor this. Therefore, in many cases, over time we begin to experience the symptoms of a broken metabolism without understanding why.

Can I Restore My Metabolism?

Yes, you can! The first step is to figure out why your metabolism has become slow, so that you can address the root problem.  There are 9 systems in the body that control our metabolism, and it is important to determine their status by using blood, urine, stool, and or saliva testing.

Conventional medicine tends to blame it on age, poor eating habits, or lack of exercise.  We understand that this isn’t the case.  We’ll use a combination of nutrition, vitamins, and natural hormones to restore your metabolism.

Best in class medical experts.

Our dedicated Care Teams are led by highly-skilled doctors with advanced training in functional medicine, nutrition, and comprehensive testing.

The Journey to Balanced Hormones

Steps to balanced hormones
Step 1

Step 1: Talk to An Expert

Schedule a FREE 20-minute call with one of our functional health experts to discuss your symptoms.

We'll help you determine if we are a good fit for your health needs and goals.

Steps to balanced hormones
Step 2

Step 2: Orientation

Attend one of our orientation seminars and learn how we can help you restore your hormones, and how our approach is better than the one taken by conventional medicine.

Steps to balanced hormones
Step 3

Step 3: Complete Wellness Evaluation

In this 1-hour visit, we will spend time together understanding your symptoms, how they are effecting your quality of life, and determining your long term goals.

We will then work together, if appropriate, to create a plan of action.

Steps to balanced hormones
Step 4

Step 4: Deep & Accurate Diagnostic Testing

Based on your Complete Wellness Evaluation, and in anticipation of your first meeting with our physician, we will determine the most appropriate diagnostic testing for you to complete.

This may include a combination of blood, urine, stool, and or saliva testing.

Steps to balanced hormones
Step 3

Step 3: Complete Wellness Evaluation

In this 1-hour visit, we will spend time together understanding your symptoms, how they are effecting your quality of life, and determining your long term goals.

We will then work together, if appropriate, to create a plan of action.

Steps to balanced hormones
Step 4

Step 4: Deep & Accurate Diagnostic Testing

Based on your Complete Wellness Evaluation, and in anticipation of your first meeting with our physician, we will determine the most appropriate diagnostic testing for you to complete.

This may include a combination of blood, urine, stool, and or saliva testing.

We Dig Deeper With Our Testing


Complete Thyroid

Thyroid controls the speed of your metabolism.  Were you told that your thyroid is normal?  It might NOT be. We test 4 important lab tests that show proper thyroid function.  Conventional medicine typically only checks 2, commonly leaving thyroid conditions undiagnosed.


Hormonal Imbalance

There are close to 40 major hormones needed by our metabolism.  Imbalance, due to age or exposure to toxins, can cause these hormones to slow down our metabolism and cause our body to store fat.  We thoroughly test all of them; Conventional medicine typically doesn’t.


Adrenal Fatigue

Adrenal glands, when exposed to excess stress, can falsely overproduce our flight or fight hormones, and can lead to them becoming fatigued.  This causes our metabolism to become slow, and testing these levels becomes vital to our health. Conventional medicine doesn’t believe in Adrenal Fatigue.



Inflammation in the body indicates that our body is fighting something.  This distraction can cause our body to lose focus on our metabolism.  We test for all inflammation indicators in the body, including those found in the gut. Conventional medicine typically only looks for inflammation in the heart.


Vitamins + Amino Acids

Every cell in our body needs adequate vitamin & amino acid levels to allow our metabolism to function properly.  We utilize testing that allows us to determine the exact amount of vitamin & mineral supplementation your body would need to regain adequate balance.


Food Sensitivities

You may not be allergic, but you may be sensitive.  Food sensitivities effect the body by preventing essential nutrients from being digested and absorbed for use by our metabolism.  We test for sensitives such as gluten, dairy, fish, and others that could be holding your metabolism back.

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